Thesis Statement For Argumentative Essay Map

Argumentative Thesis As explained in, not all essays will require an explicitly stated thesis, but most argumentative essays will. Instead of implying your thesis or main idea, in an argumentative essay, you’ll most likely be required to write out your thesis statement for your audience. A thesis statement is a one- to two-sentence statement that presents the main idea and makes an assertion about your issue. You may have a longer thesis for much longer essays, but one to two sentences is a good general guideline. And, remember, in an argumentative essay, the assertion you present in your thesis is going to be particularly important. When you make your assertion in your thesis, it should be clear and direct.


You want your audience to have no doubt about your point. Of course, how assertive you are in your thesis and the content you choose to include depends upon the type of argumentative essay you are writing. For example, in a argument (explained in pages that follow), your thesis statement should clearly present your side of the issue. In a (explained in pages that follow), your thesis should bring both sides of the issue together. Still, there are some basic guidelines to keep in mind when it comes to an argumentative thesis statement.

• What Are the Key Women Rights Problems in Different Countries? • The Study of Harmful Influence of Illegal Drugs like Marijuana on Health. • Should the Government Allow Teens to Get Birth Control Pills in Pharmacies Easier? Writing argumentative essays high school • If You Had Much Money, What Charity Program Will You Pick to Donate Some of It To? • Can People Get Prepared for Global Warming Years Ahead?

Goal statement for graduate school. Read our graduate school personal statement examples and in depth analysis of a sample personal statement for graduate school for tips on your own essay. Skip to content. Try for free. Can You Get Into Graduate Schools Without GRE Scores? A graduate school personal statement is an admission essay that typically focuses on your personal reasons for wanting to enter a grad program and particular field of study. Essentially, you must tell the story of who you are and how you developed your current research interests.

15 Thesis Statement Examples. Below are 15 debatable, supportable, and focused thesis statements for you to learn from. Feel free to customize them for use in your own argumentative essay. Argumentative Thesis. As explained in Research, not all essays will require an explicitly stated thesis, but most argumentative essays will.Instead of implying your thesis or main idea, in an argumentative essay, you’ll most likely be required to write out your thesis statement for your audience. A good thesis statement acts as a road map of the paper that directs you while writing and it also guides readers as they read the paper or essay. Different types of thesis statement examples for high school students. A thesis statement is an argument that drives the paper or essay that you are writing forward. Argumentative Thesis Statement Example #1 Bad Thesis statement: “Population of the world is increasing dramatically.” It is a bad thesis statement because it is a fact. The thesis statement is an important road map in the development of any essay. In five-paragraph essays and other expository writing, the thesis sentence is found at the very end of the first paragraph.

Thesis Statement For Argumentative Essay Map

• Your thesis statement should be one to two sentences. • Your thesis statement should clearly present the main idea of your essay and make some kind of assertion (even if that assertion is about bringing two sides together).

Argumentative Essay Topics

• Your thesis should not make an “announcement” about what your essay will cover. Instead, it should just present your assertion. For example, a thesis like this makes an announcement. Because our education system is in need of reform, we should vote for candidates who are willing to make the necessary changes. Pkc prohound. What does critique mean in essay writing.